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Core Functionality


  • Dynamically load layers based on project
  • Sort layers into subgroups
  • Include and modify metadata for each layer
  • Reorder, modify opacity, and remove layer
  • Access (and copy) layer symbology, source, and metadata
  • Modify visualization and legend paramaters

  • View summaries of alerts over time, by admin- or other jurisdictional-level
  • View active and historical alerts
  • Filter alerts by date, UID, pinned status
  • Sort alerts by date, number of alerts
  • Pin UID alerts for review later

  • Review time series of sentinel imagery (true color, NDVI, false color, NIR) including cloud-masked variants
  • Compare sentinel imagery or other spatial data using overlay
  • View underlying metadata for alert area
  • Set action for external teams (customizable: e.g., visit, pass, fly, not checked)
  • Save notes for future follow-up