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Data Flow


  • Import data in the layers tab, or by dragging and dropping onto the app
  • Supported formats: GeoJSON, ESRI Shapefile, CSV (including zipped folders)
  • Import tiles and GeoJSON from external URLs
  • Import mapbox vector tile layers
  • Customize layer and legend style if allowed by imported data

  • Export alert grid as GeoJSON, zipped Shapefile
  • Export summary statistics for active or historical alerts
  • Export entire archive of UID alerts
  • Customize file names

  • Click to view an uploaded point, polygon, or line layer
    • Hold shift to select multiple features at once, or click again to deselect
  • Sync views between the map and table
  • Filter, sort, and hide columns
  • Switch between uploaded data
  • View a full screen table for additional review
  • Export uploaded data as a CSV