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Getting Started

Introduction to the Alerts Dashboard

This monitoring application streamlines the process of monitoring landscapes for changes. Utilizing Sentinel-2 satellite imagery (with a 5-day revisit cycle), the system automatically generates alerts for any detected changes.

Landscapes are divided into 5 ha grids, with each grid being monitored as new satellite images are captured. Alerts are displayed on an online dashboard, allowing users to review, share, and decide which alerts warrant further inspection or action.

Accessing the Dashboard

To begin log into your account here. The walkthrough will use examples from the demo account, however the same functionality will apply across accounts.

Alerts Tab

Change the right-hand panel from Overview to Alerts.

This gives a list of current alerts, including the earliest date the alert was recorded, the total number of alerts and the status (defined by the user). Not all grids will have alerts, just those within which sufficient change has occurred.

Viewing Alerts

The Alerts view provides a Filter by UID option to quickly isolate specific alerts. Below are several examples of UIDs associated with alerts:

8287Vegetation clearance for subdivision developmentSelect ones adjacent to each other
38024HarvestingTrue color shows harvest adjacent to native area
38047HarvestingSmall amount of harvest; NDVI representation is clear

Exploring Example Alerts

Entering a UID (e.g., 8287) in the filter box yields specific results.

Clicking on an alert opens a detailed view, with the map zooming to the selected UID. The selected UID is highlighted with a thick red outline (as seen on the left in the example below). Clicking on other grids displays the associated data similarly.

Below the plot, metadata properties associated with the selected grid are displayed. These can be generic or unique to the selected grid. In this SNA example, area and council-defined eco-region are provided. Users can specify actions for each grid, with options like Visit, Pass, Fly, or Not Checked available.

Users can review the time series (stack of images) used by the system to identify changes. Alerts are marked on the plot as red lines. Clicking on a point along the plot displays the corresponding Sentinel-2 image on the map view. For instance, an image before an alert detection may show a healthy canopy.

Selecting another image further along the time series displays images that triggered the alert.

Right-clicking on a datapoint on the plot reveals more options, including a range of visualizations like NDVI or NIR, and the option to add the image to a split-screen interface for a before-and-after comparison using a draggable swipe tool.